Pursuing the Demon Lord Page 13
Avon sighed, “Lyrin please don’t attack the Hero. And Hero, please don’t act like that again.”
“Alright. Fine.” I grumbled as I nursed my hand.
“Yes Lord.” Lyrin bowed towards Avon.
“Balros, bring us to the mess hall where the others are.”
“As you command, Lord.” He smoothly said and began to operated the controls on the tram.
“Lyrin.” I began as the tram started to move along the track.
“Mmm.” She responded without looking at me.
“Can I touch your ears?”
“No!” She shouted in a rage. I held my hands up defensively,
“Alright, fine. No touching. Gotchya.” After glaring at me for a few moments, she looked away.
‘I’m gonna do it.’
‘There is a one hundred percent chance of retaliation.’
‘I’m still gonna do it.’
After a few moments of uneasy silence upon the tram, I struck. With nimble hands, I lightly rubbed those warm, velvety ears. For just a split second, the two of us were in a state of pure bliss. Then she came to her senses and proceeded to slam her fist into my gut, knocking the wind out of me.
“Worth…it…” I coughed as I gasped for air.
“Hrmph.” Lyrin bared her fangs at me and proceeded to walk to the other side of the tram. Her tail flicking about unhappily.
“I’d advise you not do that again Hero.” Avon sighed, “Otherwise I will give Lyrin permission to carry a stunner at all times.”
“Nah, I’m good.” I spoke after a deep breath. “We’re cool, right Lyrin?” Her only response was a menacing growl. Yeah, we were cool.
“And here is the mess hall.” Balros spoke as the tram stopped at a waiting area full of benches. A set of automatic double doors just beyond the sitting area. With a magnetic sounds, the retracted as we approached, revealing a massive room full of tables and benches with a series of serving lines in the far back. As of right now, it was mostly empty due to the time being between lunch and dinner hours. Other than a few smattering of aliens, along with my crew, it was empty.
“Yo!” I called out to my group as we entered the room and walked towards my posse. “Whats on the menu guys? Looks like soup.”
“Sgrakalk and Nubvian soup to be exact.” Hortur spoke before he began to slurp up his bowl.
“Sounds great. Alright guys, listen up. Avon here wants us to join up with her rebellion. Thoughts, opinions, yay or nay?”
“I’m already part of the rebellion.” Yvael spoke from the far side of the table.
“Yeah you don’t count.” She rolled her eyes at me.
“I’d rather not fight against my father…” Egyle spoke up. “Sorry.”
“No biggy.” I shrugged, “Family is family. What about you Hortur?”
“Nay for me. My wife is still in our home in the Falrias system. And I haven’t been able to speak to her for days.” He looked down at his bowl in sorrow. “I’m a horrible husband.”
“Hey, cheer up man, we can work something out.” I patted his back in an attempt to console him. “Lets say we get your wifey out of there, would you join up? Or we could drop you off and you could go back to your life.”
“I don’t think that option is plausible at this time. They should have our pictures plastered all over the Gal-Net.” Hortur sighed and then closed his eyes in deep consideration, nodding along with his thoughts. “But if we were to get her out of there, then I don’t see why not.”
“So a nay from Dalria, and a yay from Hortur so long as we get his wife.” I noted, giving Egyle’s false name. “And a maybe from Aya.”
“Whose Aya?” Balros asked, looking around the table for another person.
“Thats the AI in his implant.” Yvael spoke flatly.
“An AI in your head?” Lyrin looked at me, “Are you crazy?”
“Hes insane.” Yvael nodded.
“My mental health aside, I still haven’t given my answer.”
“Its obvious you’re going to say yes.” Princess Egyle rolled her eyes.
“Well that depends on Aevalonis here.”
“Huh?” Aevalonis uttered in confusion as I got down on one knee before her and held her hand in mine.
“Aevalonis Malwyrd Kalrastros, you are my star, my sky. Ever since I was first teleported into this strange galaxy, you have ever been the forefront of my mind. Not a waking hour has passed where I haven’t thought of you, and every second apart felt like pure agony. Will you do me the honor of being my woman?”
Dead silence filled the mess hall as even the tentacle-bodied cooks leaned over shelves to watch and listen. A pin drop would sound like an explosion. Time stood still as everyone held their breath in anticipation.
‘Shes going to say no.’ Aya huffed in my mind.
‘Its a fifty fifty shot Aya. Don’t ruin the mood.’
Like a crack of thunder, Avon came to her senses and smacked my hands away. “No! I will not be your woman! I feel disgusted at even the thought of such a thing!” Her dark-blue face flushed a solid purple from embarrassment. “Me, the Demon Lord, a human’s woman? Don’t make me laugh!” Without another word, she stormed from the mess hall, followed by Lyrin whose tail was wagging rapidly.
Cheers erupted in the mess hall as aliens banged on their tables in support of Avon’s rejection of my proposal.
‘Told you.’
‘Eh, it was worth a shot.’
“Sorry Captain.” Hortur whispered as he patted my back.
“Its all good man, I knew she’d say no.”
‘No you didn’t, you were hoping.’
‘Shut up.’
“You certainly are a risk-taker, Hero.” Balros noted from to my side. “I suppose this means you won’t offer your assistance to the rebellion?”
“Nah, I was going to say no regardless of the answer.” I responded honestly.
“What?!” Yvael shouted, “Even if she said yes?!”
“Of course. Rebellions are a messy business where loads of innocent people will get caught in the crossfire. More than likely, its already happened as well. I support your ideal for freedom, but won’t get involved in the method to obtain it. It’s your rebellion, not mine.”
“What an apathetic position to take.” Balros scoffed.
“Call it what you will, a decision is a decision.”
“Very well, but don’t expect to receive a warm stay.” Balros bowed and proceeded to leave. My eyes followed him until he left the mess hall.
“Alright,” I began to whisper, “we’ve gotta get out of here asap.”
“Why? I thought we could be safe here for awhile.” Princess Egyle spoke in a hushed tone.
“Think about it Princess, they just asked us to join their team and we said no. We’re an unknown element and one that could bring them to disaster. We’ve seen what they’re working on in these shipyards, and we know their leader is here. You think they’ll just let us leave if we delay?”
“Hes right.” Yvael spoke from the side. “You three need to get to your ship and get out of here now.”
“See? Even she agrees with me.”
“You wont come with us?” Hortur asked, but Yvael shook her head.
“I’ve already thrown my lot in with the rebellion. I’d have nowhere to go if I jumped ship to join you guys.” She took a deep breath and stood from her seat. “I’ll try to delay them a bit from ordering your capture or death.”
“Why help us?” Egyle asked with a cautious look.
“Because you saved my life. The least I could do is return the favor.” She smiled before walking off after Balros.
“Hey Yvael!” I called out causing her to stop and turn.
“You shouldda taken the five mil. It would have wound up like this anyway.”
“I’ll be kicking myself in the ass the rest of my life because of it.” She laughed, and jogged out of the room.
“Right then.” I arose from my seat
. “Lets bounce.”
Chapter 15: Escape
With as neutral a pace as we could manage, but still hurrying, Egyle, Hortur, and I left the mess hall. The magnetic tram I had arrived on was long gone. We would have to wait for the next arrival in order to make our way to the hangars where our ship was docked. Waiting outside were a few groups of aliens chatting among themselves. Balros and Yvael both stood side by side, awaiting the next tram as well. Good, that means we’d be on equal footing in the mad dash to see who could do what first. Either we made it to our ship and got the hell out of dodge, or Balros convinced Avon to bring down the security on our asses and lock us up.
As cool as a breeze, I slid up beside Balros. It was time for some misdirection. Yvael gave me a ‘what-the-fuck-are-you-doing’ kind of look when she noticed my arrival, but I paid her no mind. Balros merely looked at me in contempt.
“Yo, Balros,” I addressed the Demon man, “any place around here to get some shut eye?”
“Sleep man, yeesh. You guys need to work on your slang.”
“Oh…sleep. Right. You should try the dormitories section. Plenty of free rooms, just ask the receptionist and she’ll find one for you.” He spoke after a moment of thought.
“Alright thanks man.” I patted him on the shoulder and returned to my group. “He said we could find rooms at the dormitories.” I spoke aloud and winked repeatedly towards Egyle and Hortur.
“Is your eye alright?” Hortur asked.
“Ah yes. The dormitories. Very good. I cannot wait to get some sleep.” Egyle nodded as she spoke flatly. I was thankful at least one of my crew could improv. Not very convincingly, but it was a step in the right direction. Now we just had to wait for the tram.
With an increasingly loud hum, and a slight vibration, the tram returned. Loads of aliens scrambled off in the mad pre-dinner rush as the few of us waiting had to push our way on. Other than the sound of grumbling, everyone on the tram was quiet enough to hear the announcement that the next stop would be the observation deck, followed by the dormitories, the hangars, and then the engineering section. As the magnetic rails of the tram began to hum, we set off for the observation deck.
“I hate him so much!” Aevalonis growled as she paced back and forth in the conference room. “That arrogant, conniving, presumptuous, chauvinistic, brutish, UGH!” she stomped her foot on the ground. “I cant even think of all the words I’d use to describe him! Ugh! If I could, I would lock him away in a dark room for the rest of eternity!”
“Or you could kill him.” Lyrin offered with hopeful words.
“Death would be too easy an end for him.” After a few more moments of frantic pacing Aevalonis sighed. She then sat at the conference table in the center of the room and put her head in her hands. “Did I do the right thing Lyrin?”
“What if I had said yes? Would he have joined us then? Could you even imagine the reaction of the entire galaxy? A summoned Hero turning against the Kingdom?” She laughed mirthlessly. “How many worlds would join us in an instant if that had happened? How many lives could avoid being lost? Entire fleets would become turncoats all to support him because the people believe in the Hero.”
“Lord never doubt that you did the right thing! That Hero only saw you as a prize to be won! Not a woman!” Lyrin argued frantically. She couldn’t lose her Lord to a human. Not in a million years!
“Thank you Lyrin, you’re a great friend.” Lyrin’s heart soared at her Lord’s words. “But can I afford to think of myself as a woman in my position? If an opportunity arises for me to secure strength for my people, I should take it…right? No matter…how revolting that option seems to be? Isn’t that what it means to be a ruler?”
Just as quickly as Lyrin’s heart soared, it smash down to the ground. “No…” her voice barely a whisper. Was she going to lose her Lord? To a human?
“Perhaps theres still time to reconsider his offer…” Aevalonis mumbled.
“It wouldn’t matter.” Came the voice of Balros as he entered the room with Yvael following closely behind.
“What do you mean Balros?” She asked with a perplexed expression.
“The Hero said that he would say no to joining the rebellion regardless of your answer.” He clarified.
“…What?” Fury burned in her eyes.
“Lets not be hasty Ave!” Yvael spoke as Aevalonis arose to her feet, kicking her chair backwards. “He doesn’t want to be personally involved in the rebellion is all!”
“And that is supposed to make everything better?” Her tone was low, dangerous. Demonic.
“He is currently heading to the dormitories with his companions.” Balros spoke.
“Good.” Aevalonis nodded. In a rage, she opened communications with the security station. “New orders, all guards are to stun and capture the Hero and his companions. Lock his companions away, but leave the Hero in a permanent state of unconsciousness until I arrive.”
“What are you going to do Lord?” Lyrin asked as she stood beside her.
“I’m going to kill him with my bare hands for not taking me seriously.” Aevalonis growled.
“Alright, only a single guard.” I whispered as I peeked around the edge of the hallway into the hangar. One blue demon man stood watch over the hallway. Not very well at that, as all he did was look at the holo-device in his hands. Typical security guard behavior that transcended all races.
‘Aya, I need a supply closet or something.’
‘A janitor’s supply closet is located about five meters to the right of the guard.’ She responded succinctly.
‘Perfect. I’m going in.’
“Wait here.” I whispered to my squad. Staying low, I crept towards my target making as little noise as possible. My heart pounded in my chest as I got closer and closer. Our getaway would depend on us knocking out this guard in a timely manner without him alerting his fellows. Before I could reach him, he turned. Our eyes met. He reached for his gun. That was his mistake.
Like a rocket, I launched myself at the guard. My fist met his wrist as his hand gripped the handle of his gun. Agony erupted from his mouth as he cried out, sending the gun flying deeper into the hall. Cries that were soon muffled as I brought him to the ground and covered his mouth with my hand. After a bit of a struggle, I firmly held him in a sleeper hold.
“Shhhh you are getting sleepy…” I spoke hypnotically to him. “So very sleepy.”
“Mffhmmfhffmmfff…fffmfhhff” he spoke against my hand as his struggles weakened. A few moments later, he stopped moving from the lack of oxygen. Reflexively, I checked his pulse. Still beating. Good. I motioned my squad forward as I pulled the now out of commission guard into the janitor’s closet and closed the door.
“That was amazing!” Egyle gushed, “Where did you learn to do that?”
“My brother taught me. First hand.” I grumbled.
“Yerikk’s Corporation Stunblaster.” Hortur mumbled as he brought over the gun that had flown away in my brief fight. “A fine model, able to take down a Grus in three shots. Or so the ads say.”
“No time for trivia Hortur, we gotta move.” I urged as I swiped the gun from his hands. Sirens began to blare throughout the complex. “Looks like we’ve overstayed our welcome. Lets go!” Together, the three of us sprinted down the hall.
Well, me and the Princess sprinted. Hortur slithered really fast. Didn’t matter, really. What did matter was that I got to use my new stun gun! As we raced down the hall, a guard like the one I had taken down turned a corner. Both our weapons were drawn. He made the mistake of trying to aim. Aya yelled at me to shoot, so I shot. My bolt of electricity hit him square in the chest sending him into spasms and straight to the ground. While we passed his passed out body, I grabbed the other stun-gun and ha
nded it off to Hortur. Egyle complained, but Hortur was the kind of snake-man that knew his guns. I trusted him way more than her.
We didn’t have to sprint much further to get to the hangar where our ship was located. The shutters to the station’s exits were currently closed, but those were a minor nuisance. They would be easily plasma’d through once we got our ship in gear. Metal clunked underneath our feet and tail as we rushed up the cargo ramp.
‘Lets get this puppy flying Aya!’ I shouted mentally as I rushed into the pilot seat, pressing buttons faster than I could think.
‘Captain, they are currently engaging the planetary defense satellites.’
‘Can you disable them?’
‘Only their weapon systems, and it will take time.’
‘Great. How long?’
‘About five minutes.’
‘Alright, sounds good.’
‘A team of guards is rapidly approaching our position. They will be here in a minute.’
“Egyle, take over. Don’t leave the station until I say so via comm-link.” I commanded as I arose from my chair.
“Yes! Wait, why?” She asked as she jumped out of the gunner station.
“Guards incoming. Planetary defense satellites active and ready to kill us.” I shrugged, “The usual. Hortur, give me that other stun-gun.” Without arguing, he handed me the weapon. “Thanks. Be back in a sec.” Not even waiting for a response, I rushed out of the bridge. Metal clanged underfoot as I made my way down the short hall into the cargo bay where I would lay my ambush.
‘Twenty seconds away.’ Aya informed me. I nodded to myself, which is stupid when I think about it, and pressed the button to lower the cargo ramp. Screeching metal was my reward as the ramp slowly unfolded. My ears rung from the sheer volume of the rusted metal ramp. But there was no time to complain, and I had no cover to hide behind. So I did the next best thing. I lay flat on my stomach just behind the top of the ramp with both guns held ready.
Without even daring to blink, I locked my eyes upon the entrance to our hangar. The second it opened upwards, I let loose a hail of electricity. A pair of bolts shot from both weapons towards the doorway and into a single guard who had entered ahead of his fellows. Thats what he gets for rushing in.